viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

Some Stacy's Quotes

 " Good. Just be who you are, love who you are, do your best and be kind. Everything else will take care of itself. "

" I believe every PERSON is beautiful. What you do with that beauty, how you develop it, is up to you."
" You have to let go of whatever you were, and allow yourself to become who you are."

" We can change the world every time we’re a bit nicer to someone else. :) "

" I feel very strongly that style is about the individual, not the industry "

" Please remember you can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself too! "

" Each of us is a SNOWFLAKE. All different and perfect in our OWN way!"

" EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU is a Snowflake. There isn't ANYONE who can be you but you and THAT makes you beautiful. Period. So shut up."

"I understand when u feel overwhelmed style is the 1st thing to go, but its also the 1st thing you can pick back up to get you back on track."

" Your smile is the best accesory " " Style is only possible from a place of self-acceptance "

" I am beautiful and I am going to share my beauty with the world "

" Work hard, dress right "

" No reason to be afraid! I don't bite....well MOST of the time... ;) I'm kidding!!!"

" Keep moving forward kid . The bad stuff will pass . Hang in there "  

" Everyone has good and bad days  ALWAYS but trust in yourself and your uniqueness. No one else is you "

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